Home » Even More Value at Upstream Layer in Technology Pyramid

Even More Value at Upstream Layer in Technology Pyramid

by Jocelyn

Technology is the leader of the enterprising world. And also it leads using a constitution. Unlike the conventional political structure, this constitution is Algorithms composed by engineers, scientists, etc as well as not congressmen as well as political leaders.

The worldwide competitors is greatly who has the most effective technological team to compose the best one; in this situation, Algorithms, that comprise of licenses, technical processes, devices, and so forth. As a country develops, adopts, uses and also diffuses suitably the components of this constitution, it raises the lives of its citizens. The even more technology a nation goes after, the much more it improves this constitution.

Financial experts have actually revealed a relationship in between Expertise Economy Index (KEI), productivity and standard of life. The difficulty for any kind of nation is to improve its KEI number. Doing that involves good education and learning, economic routine as well as various other variables that assist to improve technology capability.

The age of natural resources dominating worldwide commerce and also industry is gone. What issues now is developing understanding and applying it. Some countries will certainly develop, others will just eat. Yet riches is focused at the imaginative stage and countries that focus on consuming, without creating technology will not thrive.

Despite having wealth of natural resources, which in many instances, the consuming nations can not separately procedure without the expertise partners will certainly not transform this trajectory of minimal national wealth without technology production.

On this basis, I separate both layers where nations utilize as well as take on technology as upstream and also downstream layers. It is like a two layer pyramid where the downstream is at the bottom with the upstream seated on the top. What occurs here is that some nations concentrate on the downstream layer while others integrate both the downstream as well as upstream layers.

The most innovative countries incorporate both layers as they seek worldwide competition. They supply technology roadmap that looks at the future as well as have plans to take advantages that technology brings. They develop and also develop points and also in the 21st century are classed as expertise driven economic situations. In those countries, there is preparing for continuity and technology succession.

For the various other countries, generally developing, they compete at the technology pyramid mostly at the downstream layer. They do not have the know-how to create points and also market technology intellectual properties. The countries are not driven by technology, instead products. They are prone to trade shocks and also are usually financially non-vibrant. They fail to produce wealth utilizing technology and also join the pyramid as consumers or prosumers.

Allow me illustrate making use of Nigeria where they talk the language of petroleum. In the petroleum market, there are the downstream and upstream fields. While the upstream concentrates on exploration of crude oil, downstream does the distribution as well as marketing.

The money remains in the upstream sector, a significant reason we have the foreign partners concentrated therein. That is where the understanding development is done as well as utilized in the industry. I am cautious to claim, without the understanding companions in Nigeria, helping to explore this crude oil, Nigeria can not mine this item. Verdict: the oil will exist and also of no tangible economic usage.

This will follow a pattern where villages have water below them yet no drilling knowledge to harness the water for cooking and also alcohol consumption. That is the issue of securing nationwide method at the downstream degree. It lacks originality.

In Africa as well as many developing nations where ICT has been embraced, they hardly ever know that there is more value than what ICT provides. Certain ICT has helped lots of developing nations to enhance their organization procedures, devices as well as people. They are so excited on the powers of quicker as well as quicker interaction. They savor the marvels of email, Web and also cellphone and also a lot more. These experiences are largely on advertising and marketing, dispersing as well as setup of these ICT systems. They rarely make them and can only play at the downstream layer.

There economists mention repetitively the innovations ICT has actually given the economic situations. I agree, ICT is wired for innovation in many locations. Nonetheless, the bright side is that there are much more advantages up in the pyramid if you go up to the upstream layer. By not developing technology, our techno-economic advantages are restricted and this will certainly not alter until we move up the pyramid.

Though this factor can be cited any technology, I will certainly utilize the ICT since it is common and also acquainted to individuals. I have actually already highlighted the point in the petroleum sector where many creating countries depend on oil refining technology of the developed countries to draw out the oil. Also if they create innovations for the distribution, the upstream idea will certainly accomplishment. Countries make even more money to accredit technologies at the upstream degree contrasted to the downstream.

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